

Hanna-Bernheim-Str. 42

72072 Tübingen



Tel.: 00491633132850

Authorized Representatives

Prof. Bashier Yusuf


Acceptance of the Terms of Use/Use of the Website

By using the website, the user declares his acceptance of the following terms and conditions.
For information: the service provider can at any time, at its discretion and without prior notice, change, modify, summarize, complete or delete the content of the site or cancel the entire site. Therefore, no rights arise from the availability of the pages of this site in connection with the future use of the site.
Use of the website is governed exclusively by German law.

2. Legal responsibility

The user uses the website at his own risk. The service provider assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss arising from accessing or using the site. This clause does not exclude liability for any loss or damage caused intentionally or by gross negligence by the Service Provider. 

3. Copyright

All content of the Site, including in particular text, images and all multimedia materials, is under copyright protection. All rights reserved to the content. 

4. Check the contents of the site

a) The contents of our website
All available website contents have been carefully checked. However, errors cannot be completely ruled out. As such, it cannot be guaranteed that the content is complete, correct and completely up-to-date. Any legal statements, advice or information are non-binding and cannot be considered legal advice. All content available on this site, including laws, official statements, advice or information, has been prepared based on all available knowledge and with the utmost accuracy and care. In case of disagreement in this regard, only the current official text is valid as published in the relevant official source. 

b) Content provided by other providers
External links leading to content linked to websites of other providers outside the control of this service provider have been prepared based on all available knowledge and with the utmost care and accuracy. No illegal content was identified when the links were created. The service provider does not endorse the contents of the websites of other providers that are linked from its own site and does not claim ownership of such content. It cannot guarantee the completeness and accuracy of any contents linked from its website, nor can it interfere at all with the current or future design of the materials available through these external links. Any legal responsibility for illegal, erroneous or incomplete contents shall be borne exclusively by the provider of that third party content. All of the foregoing also applies to third party content technically included in the Site and defined as such.   

c) Reporting errors
The editorial board of the site would like to inform it if there is a cause for complaint due to any content on the site or links to content provided by other providers. Also, please let us know if there are errors, out of date, incomplete or unclear content on our website pages. Please use [link: our dedicated form] for this.

5. Data protection

The service provider collects, processes and uses personal data only in accordance with [link: “Data protection alerts“].
